الخميس، 17 يناير 2019

السفر لكبار السن في امريكا قديم


International travel can be a rich and rewarding adventure. Whether you
have waited a lifetime to take the perfect trip or are an experienced
world traveler, we would like to offer some advice to help you plan a
safe and healthy trip.

American consuls at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad are there to
help if you encounter serious difficulties in your travels. They are
happy to meet you if you come in to register your passport at the
consular section of the U.S. embassy or consulate. But it is also their
duty to assist American citizens abroad in times of emergency--at
hospitals or police stations, for instance. This pamphlet is written in
the hopes that it will help you to prevent such emergencies from

Preparation for Your Trip

Start Early. Apply for your passport as soon as possible. Three months
before your departure date should give you plenty of time. See the
section, "Passports and Visas," on page 6 for details on how to apply.

Learn About the Countries You Plan to Visit. The countries you visit
will seem like old friends if, before you go, you read up on their
culture, people, and history. Bookstores and libraries are good
resources. Travel magazines and the travel sections of major newspapers
tell about places to visit and also give advice on everything from
discount airfares to international health insurance. Many travel agents
and foreign tourist bureaus provide free information on travel abroad.

Travel Advisories. The Department of State issues travel advisories
concerning serious health or security conditions that may affect U.S.
citizens. If you are traveling to an area where there may be problems,
you may contact the nearest U.S. passport agency or the Department of
State's Citizens Emergency Center on (202) 647-5225 to learn whether
there are travel advisories in effect for the countries you plan to

Charter Flights. Before you pay for a charter flight or travel package,
read your contract carefully and see what guarantee it gives that the
company will deliver the services that it is trying to sell you. Tour
operators sometimes go out of business in the middle of a season,
leaving passengers stranded, holding unusable return tickets and unable
to obtain a refund for the unused portion of their trip. Unless you are
certain a company is reputable, check its credentials with your local
Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB maintains complaint files for a
year. You can also check with the consumer affairs office of the
American Society of Travel Agents, 1101 King Street, Alexandria, VA
22314, tel. (703) 739-2782 to learn if a travel company has a complaint

Trip Insurance. One sure way to ruin a vacation is to lose money
because an emergency forces you to postpone or cancel your trip. Except
for tickets on regularly scheduled airlines, almost any travel package
you purchase will have a penalty for cancellation and some companies
will give no refund at all. Regularly scheduled airlines usually give a
refund if an illness or death in the family forces you to cancel. They
require a note from the doctor or a death certificate.

Take careful note of the cancellation penalty for any other large travel
purchase you make such as a tour package, charter flight, or cruise.
Unless you can afford to lose that amount, protect yourself by buying
trip insurance. If you invest in trip insurance, make sure your policy
covers all reasonable possibilities for your having to cancel. For
instance, if an emergency with a family member would force you to
cancel, insure against that as well.

Some trip insurance policies will also give a refund if the company goes
out of business or otherwise does not make good on its offering. The
best insurance against company default is to choose a reputable company
that guarantees a refund if they do not deliver the goods. If, however,
you are tempted to purchase a tour at a great bargain price and you
can't find a guarantee of delivery in the fine print, protect yourself
by purchasing trip insurance that covers company default.

Shop around for the trip insurance policy that offers the most benefits.
Some credit card and traveler's check companies offer travel protection
packages for an additional fee. Benefits may even include accident and
illness coverage while traveling.

Health Insurance. The Social Security Medicare program does not provide
for payment of hospital or medical services obtained outside the U.S.
However, some Medicare supplement plans offer foreign medical care
coverage at no extra cost for treatments considered eligible under
Medicare. These are reimbursement plans. You must pay the bills first
and obtain receipts in order to submit them later for compensation. Many
of these plans have a dollar ceiling per trip.

Review your health insurance policy. Obtaining medical treatment and
hospital care abroad can be expensive. If your Medicare supplement or
other medical insurance does not provide protection while traveling
outside the United States, we strongly urge you to buy coverage that
does. There are short-term health and emergency assistance policies
called medical assistance programs that are designed specifically for

Medical Assistance Programs. One strong advantage of medical assistance
programs is that they also cover the exorbitant cost of medical
evacuation in the event of an accident or serious illness. As part of
the coverage, these companies usually offer emergency consultation by
telephone. They may refer you to the nearest hospital or call directly
for help for you. If you need an interpreter, they may translate your
instructions to a health care worker on the scene. Another benefit that
is normally part of such coverage is payment for the return of remains
to the United States in case of death.

If your regular health insurance already covers you for medical expenses
abroad, you can buy a medical assistance program that offers all the
consultative and evacuation services listed above except for the health
insurance itself. The cost of medical assistance coverage can be as low
as $25 for a 2-week trip without health insurance coverage or $49 for
the complete medical assistance program including health insurance. On
the other hand, escorted medical evacuation can cost thousands of

If your travel agent cannot direct you to a medical assistance company,
look for information on such services in travel magazines. Once you
have adequate coverage, carry your insurance policy identity cards and
claim forms with you when you travel.

Medication. If you require medication, bring an ample supply in its
original containers. Because of strict laws concerning narcotics
throughout the world, bring along copies of your prescriptions and, if
you have an unusual prescription, carry a letter from your physician
explaining your need for the drug. As an extra precaution, carry the
generic names of your medications with you because pharmaceutical
companies overseas may use different names from those used in the United

If you wear eyeglasses, take an extra pair with you. Pack medicines and
extra eyeglasses in your hand luggage so they will be available in case
your checked luggage is lost. To be extra secure, pack a backup supply
of medicines and a third pair of eyeglasses in your checked luggage. If
you have allergies, reactions to certain medications, foods, or insect
bites, or other unique medical problems, consider wearing a "medical
alert" bracelet. You may also wish to carry a letter from your physician
explaining desired treatment should you become ill.

Immunizations. Information on immunizations and health precautions for
travelers can be obtained from local health departments, the U.S. Public
Health Service, private doctors, or travel clinics. General guidance can
also be found in the U.S. Public Health Service book, Health Information
for International Travel. To order this book, see page 12.

Passport. Pack an "emergency kit" to help you get a replacement
passport in case yours is lost or stolen. To make a kit: photocopy the
data page at the front of your passport; write down the addresses and
telephone numbers of the U.S. embassies and consulates in the countries
you plan to visit; and put this information along with two passport-size
photographs in a place separate from your passport.

Leave a Detailed Itinerary. Give a friend or relative your travel
schedule. Include: names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons
and places to be visited; your passport number and the date and place it
was issued; and credit card, traveler's check, and airline ticket
numbers. Keep a copy of this information for yourself in a separate
place from your purse or wallet. If you change your travel plans--for
example, if you miss your return flight to the United States or extend
your trip--be sure to notify relatives or friends at home.

Don't Overprogram. Allow time to relax and really enjoy yourself. Even
if this is your once-in-a-lifetime trip, don't feel you have to fill
every available minute.

If you are visiting a country such as China, where physical activity can
be quite strenuous and sudden changes in diet and climate can have
serious health consequences for the unprepared traveler, consult your
physician before you depart.

What to Pack. Carefully consider the clothing you take. Don't pack
more than you need and end up lugging around heavy suitcases.
Wash-and-wear clothing and sturdy walking shoes are good ideas.
Consider the climate and season in the countries you will visit and
bring an extra outfit for unexpectedly warm or cool weather. A sweater
or shawl is always useful for cooler evenings and air-conditioned planes
and hotels. Dress conservatively--a wardrobe that is flashy or too
causal may attract the attention of thieves or con artists.

Include a change of clothing in your carry-on luggage. Otherwise, if
your bags are lost, you could be wearing the same clothes you were
traveling in during the entire time it takes to locate your luggage--an
average of 72 hours.

Do not pack anything that you would hate to lose such as valuable
jewelry, family photographs, or objects of sentimental value.


Passports. It is a good idea to apply 3 months before you plan to
travel. If you also need visas, allow more time as you must have a
valid passport before applying for a visa. If this is your first
passport, you must apply in person, bringing with you proof of U.S.
citizenship (usually a certified copy of your birth certificate, a
naturalization certificate, or a consular report of birth abroad); 2
identical recent front-view photos (2" x 2"); a completed passport
application (Form DSP-11); proof of identity such as a valid driver's
license or other photo or physical-description I.D.; and the fee of $42
for a passport valid for 10 years.

You may apply at any passport agency (see list at the end of this
pamphlet) or at one of the many clerks of court or post offices
designated to accept passport applications. Your birth certificate or
other documents will be returned to you by mail, along with your new

You may be eligible to apply for a passport by mail. If you have had a
full-validity passport issued within the past 12 years and you are able
to mail the passport with your application, you can use Form DSP-82,
"Application for Passport by Mail," to apply. Obtain this form from any
office that accepts passport applications or from your travel agent.
Follow the instructions on the back of the form. The renewal passport
fee is $35.

When you receive your passport, be sure to sign it on page 1 and to
pencil in on page 4 the requested information. This wi1l help us notify
your family or friends in case of an accident or other emergency. Do
not designate your traveling companion as the person to be notified in
case of an emergency.

Visas. Many countries require a visa--an endorsement or stamp placed in
your passport by a foreign government that permits you to visit that
country for a specified purpose and a limited time. Many countries
require you to obtain a visa from their consular office nearest to your
residence. The addresses of foreign consular offices can be found in
telephone directories of large cities or in the Congressional Directory,
available in most libraries; or you may write to the appropriate embassy
in Washington, D.C. and request the address of their consulate that is
nearest to you. Apply for your visa directly to the embassy or
consulate of each country you plan to visit or ask your travel agent to
assist you with visas. U.S. passport agencies cannot obtain visas for

An increasing number of countries are establishing entry requirements
regarding AIDS testing, particularly for long-term residents and
students. Check with the embassy or consulate of the countries you plan
to visit for the latest information.


Don't Take Your Money in Cash. Bring most of your money in traveler's
checks. Have a reasonable amount of cash with you, but not more than
you will need for a day or two. Convert your traveler's checks to local
currency as you use them rather than all at once.

You may also wish to bring at least one internationally-recognized
credit card. Before you leave, find out what your credit card limit is
and do not exceed it. In some countries, travelers who have innocently
exceeded their limit have been arrested for fraud. Leave unneeded
credit cards at home.

If you must take jewelry or other valuables, use hotel security vaults
to store them. It is wise to register such items with U.S. Customs
before leaving the United States to make customs processing easier when
you return.

It is a violation of law in some countries to enter or exit with that
country's currency. Check with a travel agent or the embassy or
consulate of the countries you plan to visit to learn their currency
restrictions. Before departing from the U.S., you may wish, if allowed,
to purchase small amounts of foreign currency and coins to use for
buses, taxis, telephone calls, and other incidentals when you first
arrive in a country. You may purchase foreign currency from some banks
or from foreign exchange dealers. Most international airports also have
money exchange facilities.

Once you are abroad, local banks generally give more favorable rates of
exchange than hotels, restaurants, or stores for converting your U.S.
dollars and traveler's checks into foreign currency.


Driving. U.S. auto insurance is usually not valid outside of the United
States and Canada. When you drive in any other country, be sure to buy
adequate auto insurance in that country. When renting a car abroad, make
certain that adequate insurance is part of your contract; otherwise,
purchase additional coverage in an amount similar to that which you
carry at home.

Flying. On long flights, break up long periods of sitting. Leave your
seat from time to time and also do in-place exercises. This will help
prevent your arriving tired and stiff-jointed. Also, get some exercise
after a long flight. For example, take a walk or use your hotel's
exercise room.

Reconfirm. Upon arrival at each stopover, reconfirm your onward
reservations. When possible, obtain a written confirmation.
International flights generally require confirmation 72 hours in
advance. If your name does not appear on the reservation list, you
could find yourself stranded.

Register. If you plan to be in a location for 2 weeks or more or in an
area where there is civil unrest or any other emergency situation,
register with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. This will help in
locating you, should someone in the United States wish to confirm your
safety and welfare or need to contact you urgently.

Practical Safety Tips

Respect the Local Laws and Customs. While abroad, you are subject to
the laws and regulations of your host country and are not protected by
the U.S. Constitution. If you should be detained by local authorities,
ask them to notify a U.S. consular officer. Under international
agreements and practice, you have a right to contact an American consul.
Although U.S.consuls cannot act as your attorney or get you out of jail,
they can provide you with a list of local attorneys and inform you of
your rights under local laws. They will also monitor the status of
detained Americans and make sure they are treated fairly under local

Guard your Passport. Your passport is the most valuable document you
carry abroad. It confirms that you are an American citizen. Do not
carry your passport in the same place as your money, use it as
collateral for a loan, or pack it in your luggage. Remember to keep
your passport number in a separate location in case it is lost or
stolen. In some countries, you may be required to leave your passport
overnight or for several days with the hotel management. This may be
local practice--do not be concerned unless the passport is not returned
as promised. If your passport is lost or stolen abroad, immediately
report it to the local police, obtain a copy of the report, and contact
the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a new passport.

Be Alert. Move purposefully and confidently. If you should find
yourself in a crowded area, such as in an elevator, subway, marketplace,
or at a parade, exercise special caution to avoid theft.

Robbery. Help prevent theft by carrying your belongings securely. Carry
purses tucked under an arm and not dangling by a strap. Carry valuables
in an inside front pocket or in a money belt, not in a hip pocket. You
may wish to wrap your wallet with rubber bands to make it more difficult
for someone to slip it from your pocket unnoticed. Money belts or
pouches that fit around your shoulder or waist are available through
travel magazines and at some luggage shops and department stores.

Assistance From U.S. Embassies and Consulates

Emergencies. If you encounter serious legal, medical, or financial
difficulties or other problems abroad, contact the nearest U.S. embassy
or consulate for assistance. Although, as mentioned above, consular
officers cannot serve as attorneys, they can help you find legal
assistance. Consular officers cannot cash checks, lend money, or act as
travel agents. However, in an emergency, they can help you get in touch
with your family back home to inform them on how to wire funds to you
and to let them know of your situation. They can also provide you with
the latest travel advisories to alert you to adverse conditions abroad.

Nonemergencies. Consular officers can also provide nonemergency
services such as information on absentee voting and acquisition or loss
of U.S. citizenship. They can arrange for the transfer of Social
Security and other benefits to Americans residing abroad, provide U.S.
tax forms, notarize documents, and advise U.S. citizens on property

Safeguarding Your Health. If you are injured or become seriously ill
abroad, a U.S. consular officer will assist you in finding a physician
or other medical services, and, with your permission, will inform your
family members or friends of your condition. If needed, consular
officers can assist your family in transferring money to the foreign
country to pay for your treatment.

Death Abroad. Each year, about 6,000 Americans die abroad. Two thirds
of them are Americans who live overseas, but approximately 2,000
Americans per year die while traveling abroad. Consular officers will
contact the next of kin in the United States and will explain the local
requirements. It is a worthwhile precaution to have insurance that
covers the cost of local burial or shipment of remains home to the
United States (see information on medical assistance programs on page
3). Otherwise, this cost must be borne by next of kin and can be
extremely expensive. The U.S. Government cannot pay for shipment of
remains to the United States.

Shopping--Some Things to Avoid

Beware of purchasing souvenirs made from endangered wildlife. Much
wildlife and wildlife products are prohibited either by U.S. or foreign
laws from import into the United States. You risk confiscation and a
possible fine if you attempt to import such things. Watch out for and
avoid purchasing the following prohibited items:

- All products made from sea turtles.
- All ivory, both Asian and African.
- Furs from spotted cats.
- Furs from marine mammals.
- Feathers and feather products from wild birds.
- All live or stuffed birds from Australia,
Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela, and
some Caribbean countries.
- Most crocodile and caiman leather.
- Most coral, whether in chunks or in jewelry.

When You Return

Be Prepared. On arrival in the United States, have your passport ready
when you go through immigration and customs controls. Keep receipts for
any items you purchased abroad. U.S. citizens may bring back and orally
declare $400 worth of merchandise duty free. The next $1000 is taxed at
a flat rate of 10%. Check with U.S. Customs for further information.

Currency. There is no limit on the amount of money or negotiable
instruments which can be brought into or taken out of the United States.
However, any amount over $10,000 must be reported to U.S. Customs on
Customs Form 4790 when you depart from or enter into the United States.

Don't bring home any fresh fruits or vegetables. Such items will be

Useful Travel Publications

For the official word on immunizations, customs, and what you can
legally bring into the United States, you may order one of the following
U.S. Government publications:

Health Information for International Travel is a comprehensive listing
of immunization requirements of foreign governments. In addition, it
gives the U.S. Public Health Service's recommendations on immunizations
and other health precautions for the international traveler. Copies are
available for $4.75 from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238.

Know Before You Go, Customs Hints for Returning U.S. Residents gives
detailed information on U.S. Customs regulations, including duty rates.
Single copies are available free from any local Customs office or by
writing to the Department of the Treasury, U.S. Customs Service, P.O.
Box 7407, Washington, D.C. 20044.

Travelers Tips on Bringing Food, Plant, and Animal Products Into the
United States lists the regulations on bringing these items into the
United States from most parts of the world. Fresh fruits and
vegetables, meat, potted plants, pet birds, and other items are
prohibited or restricted. Obtain the publication free from the Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 732
Federal Bldg., 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782. The
following publication is prepared by the World Wildlife Fund:

Buyer Beware! tells about restrictions on importing wildlife and
wildlife products. For a free copy, write to the Publications Unit,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington,
D.C. 20240; (202) 343-5634.

The following three publications from the Department of State may be
ordered for $1 each from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238:

Your Trip Abroad provides basic travel information -- tips on passports,
visas, immunizations, and more. It will help you prepare for your trip
and make it as and trouble-free as possible.

A Safe Trip Abroad gives travel security advice for any traveler, but
particularly for those who plan trips to areas of high crime or

Tips for Americans Residing Abroad is prepared for the more than 2
million Americans who live in foreign countries.

The following three publications are also from the Department of State
(see ordering information below):

Foreign Entry Requirements lists visa and other entry requirements of
foreign countries and tells you how to apply for visas and tourist
cards. Order this publication for 50 A2 from the Consumer Information
Center, Dept. 438T, Pueblo, CO 81009.

Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts gives addresses and telephone,
telex, and FAX numbers for all U.S. embassies and consulates abroad.
(NOTE: When writing to a U.S. embassy or consulate, address the
envelope to the appropriate section, such as Consular Section, rather
than to a specific individual.) This publication is updated 3 times a
year and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238.

Background Notes are brief, factual pamphlets on each of 170 countries.
They give current information on each country's people, culture,
geography, history, government, economy, and political condition. They
also include a factual profile, brief travel notes, a country map, and a
suggested reading list. For information on their price and to order
copies contact: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government

Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238. Passport


Boston Passport Agency Thomas P. O'Neill Federal Building, Room 247 10
Causeway Street Boston, Massachusetts 02222 *Recording: 617-565-6998
Public Inquiries: 617-565-6990

Chicago Passport Agency Kluczynski Federal Building, Suite 380 230 South
Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604-1564 *Recording: 312-353-5426

Public Inquiries: 312-353-7155 or 7163

Honolulu Passport Agency New Federal Building, Room C-106 300 Ala Moana
Boulevard P.O. Box 50185 Honolulu, Hawaii 96850 *Recording: 808-541-1919
Public Inquiries: 808-541-1918

Houston Passport Agency Concord Towers 1919 Smith Street, Suite 1100
Houston, Texas 77002 *Recording: 713-653-3159 Public Inquiries:

Los Angeles Passport Agency 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Room 13100 Los
Angeles, California 90024-3615 *Recording: 213-209-7070 Public
Inquiries: 213-209-7075

Miami Passport Agency Federal Office Building, 16th Floor 51 Southwest
First Avenue Miami, Florida 33130-1680 *Recording: 305-536-5395
(English) 305-536-4448 (Spanish) Public Inquiries: 305-536-4681

New Orleans Passport Agency Postal Services Building, Room T-12005 701
Loyola Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70113-1931 *Recording: 504-589-6728
Public Inquiries: 504-589-6161

New York Passport Agency Rockefeller Center, Room 270 630 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10111-0031 *Recording: 212-541-7700 Public
Inquiries: 212-541-7710

Philadelphia Passport Agency Federal Office Building, Room 4426 600 Arch
Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-1684 *Recording: 215-597-7482

Public Inquiries: 215-597-7480

San Francisco Passport Agency 525 Market Street, Suite 200 San
Francisco, California 94105-2773 *Recording: 415-974-7972 Public
Inquiries: 415-974-9941

Seattle Passport Agency Federal Office Building, Room 992 915 Second
Avenue Seattle, Washington 98174-1091 *Recording: 206-442-7941 Public
Inquiries: 206-442-7945

Stamford Passport Agency One Landmark Square Broad and Atlantic Streets
Stamford, Connecticut 06901-2767 *Recording: 203-325-4401 Public
Inquiries: 203-325-3538 or 3530

Washington Passport Agency 1425 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.
20524-0002 *Recording: 202-647-0518 Public Inquiries (M-F 8-4:45):

*Twenty-four hour recording includes general passport information,
passport agency location, and hours of operation. Where Do You Plan to
Go Next?

The following area or country pamphlets may be ordered for $1 each from
the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238:

* Tips for Travelers to Sub-Saharan Africa
* Tips for Travelers to the Caribbean
* Tips for Travelers to Central and South America
* Tips for Travelers to the People's Republic of China
* Tips for Travelers to Mexico
* Tips for Travelers to the Middle East and North Africa
* Tips for Travelers to South Asia
* Tips for Travelers to Russia and the Newly Independent States

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