الأربعاء، 27 فبراير 2019

Morena Baccarin

Morena Baccarin https://www.imdb.com/media/rm371736832/nm1072555/

كثير من هؤلاء جاؤوا من جزيرة العرب

من ابناء الذين ذهبوا ليحاربوا في اوروبا

كثير منهم زنى

وانجب امثال هؤلاء الزناة


Still of Morena Baccarin in Homeland (2011)

تبدو كأن اصلها من جزيرة العرب


السبت، 23 فبراير 2019

توصية بتسمية شارع بإسم ترامب

نوصي بتسمية أحد شوارع المدينة الجديدة في السعودية في الشمال بإسم ترامب

ونوصي بتسمية محطة من محطات المترو بإسم بيريز

العبرية نت: ضجة في لبنان.. شارع "الخميني" يستقبلك بعد المطار!. https://www.alarabiya.net/ar/arab-and-world/2019/02/23/%D8%B6%D8%AC%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%83-%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%B1-.html

star walk 2

التطبيق القبة السماوية - تعلم علم الفلك ، واستكشاف الفضاء ، والبعثات ، مركبة فضائية 3D

تعرف على نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد رائع لنظامنا الشمسي لاستكشاف الفضاء ، والمركبات الفضائية ، والكواكب في الوقت الفعلي دون الحاجة إلى زيارة القبة الفلكية. Solar Walk 2 Free : Encyclopedia of the Solar System هو دليل رقمي لنظامنا الشمسي وبديل كبير عن الأطالس الورقية القديمة لتعلم استكشاف الفضاء والكون الذي نعيش فيه.

استكشاف الكواكب والفضاء مع موسوعة النظام الشمسي 🌏 🌕 🚀

مع هذا 3D القبة السماوية التفاعلية يمكنك السفر إلى الفضاء الخارجي ، واستكشاف الكواكب في الوقت الحقيقي ، ومشاهدة الأقمار الصناعية ، والمذنبات وأي جسم سماوي آخر ، والتعرف على البعثات الفضائية المعلقة ونماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد مذهلة من المركبات الفضائية ، دراسة تقويم الأحداث السماوية مع مختلف الفلكية الأحداث ، وتعلم حقائق علم الفلك مثيرة للاهتمام.

هذا التطبيق نظام الطاقة الشمسية هو عظيم للبالغين والأطفال 👪

مع Solar Walk 2 Free : Encyclopedia of the Solar System ستحصل على تمثيل مرئي لنظامنا الشمسي واستكشاف الفضاء!

الخصائص الرئيسية:

✭ Planetarium - نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد لنظامنا الشمسي ✭

التطبيق هو نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد مذهل لنظامنا الشمسي يعرض الكواكب في الوقت الحقيقي ، النجوم ، الأقمار ، الأقمار الصناعية ، الكويكبات ، المذنبات ، الكواكب القزمة والأجرام السماوية الأخرى. يتم تمثيل جميع الأجرام السماوية في مواقفها الصحيحة في الوقت الحقيقي. يتم توفير معلومات عامة ومفصلة ، والبنية الداخلية وحقائق علم الفلك المختلفة بطريقة مفهومة.

✭ نماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد من المركبات الفضائية واستكشاف الفضاء ✭

تقدم لك Solar Walk 2 Free تاريخ استكشاف الفضاء والبعثات الفضائية المتميزة في أرقى التفاصيل. فقط مع Solar Walk 2 ، ستتمكن من مشاهدة نماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد واقعية وعالية الدقة من سفن الفضاء والأقمار الصناعية ومحطات الكواكب في عمل حقيقي. سترى من أين بدأوا ، وتتبع المسار الحقيقي لمسارهم ، ومشاهدة مناورات الجاذبية ، وعرض الصور الحقيقية التي قدمت خلال البعثة.

✭ التقويم الفلكي للأحداث السماوية ✭

استخدم التقويم الفلكي الذي يتضمن مختلف الأحداث السماوية (كسوف الشمس ، خسوف القمر ، مراحل القمر) ، والأحداث الفلكية الأخرى المتعلقة باستكشاف الفضاء (إطلاق الأقمار الصناعية ، أول هبوط على القمر ، الخ). مراقبة الكون في الوقت الحقيقي أو تحديد أي تاريخ ووقت ونرى ما سيحدث. يمكنك استكشاف نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد لنظامنا الشمسي بفترات زمنية مختلفة.

Visual تأثيرات بصرية من القبة السماوية 3D <

محاكاة النظام الشمسي. الرسومات والمرئيات المذهلة لموسوعة مجموعتنا الشمسية ستدهشك بجمالها. يتم نسخ القوام من الكواكب والمركبات الفضائية تماما بالنسبة لك لتجربة المتعة الجمالية. ألق نظرة على النموذج الثلاثي الأبعاد لنظامنا الشمسي كما لم يحدث من قبل.

✭ محاكاة الفضاء 3D ✭

الملاحة مريحة للغاية - يمكنك مراقبة أي كوكب ، والأقمار الصناعية في الفضاء في الزاوية المرغوبة والتأثيرات المرئية بالاقتران مع الظلال تضيف إلى الإحساس بالأجواء الكونية. هذه الموسوعة من النظام الشمسي مثالية لكل من الأطفال والبالغين الذين يحبون علم الفلك أو يريدون فقط تعلم شيء جديد.

✭ صور بانورامية رائعة للكائنات الفضائية ✭

مفتونة بجمال النظام الشمسي ، وتريد التقاط الأشياء السماوية أو المركبة الفضائية في مجدها؟ يمكنك تحديد أي كائن وإنشاء صورة بانورامية ومشاركتها على Facebook. شارك جمال عالمنا مع أصدقائك.

✭ أخبار علم الفلك والأحداث الجارية في قسم "الجديد" ✭

كن على علم بآخر الأخبار من عالم الفضاء وعلم الفلك مع Solar Walk 2. سيعلمك قسم "ما الجديد" بالتطبيق عن الأحداث السماوية الأكثر تميزًا في الوقت المناسب. لن تفوت أي شيء!

يحتوي التطبيق على مشتريات داخل التطبيق (Premium Access). يتيح لك برنامج Premium Access الاستمتاع بالبعثات الفضائية والأقمار الصناعية والأحداث السماوية والكويكبات والكواكب القزمية والمذنبات. لن يؤدي شراء Premium Access إلى إزالة الإعلانات من التطبيق.

لدينا موسوعة تفاعلية للنظام الشمسي ترضي العطش لمعرفة جميع عشاق علم الفلك!

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Zodiacal Light #starwalk https://app.starwalk.space/news/5DBE0E6E-845B-CBFF-A4A0-3A2AD80DD0F7

حديث الرايات السود


فيديو امراض الدم الوراثيه


فيديو من تحميلي لفيميو من وزارة الصحة

اول طلبية من فورديل

عميلنا العزيز، يمكنك الان استلام شحنتك رقم 32346784492 من فورديل من فرع ارامكس قطيف شويكه.  رابط الموقع https://goo.gl/maps/9dKNQ1WViQk  , المبلغ المترتب 272.80 ريال .  الرجاء التكرم باستلامها قبل يوم الأحد , 21 جمادى الأولى , قبل موعد اعادتها للمرسل. متمنين لك يوما سعيدا.

Dear customer, your Fordeal shipment under number 32346784492 is now ready for pickup from Qatif Shweikah branch. Location can be navigated via https://goo.gl/maps/9dKNQ1WViQk  , Amount due 272.80 SAR .  Kindly arrange to collect it before Sun , January 27 , as it is the last date before returning it back to shipper. Wishing you a nice day.

دكتور توصيات الاسهم الامريكيه

You are receiving this because you opted in to receive reminders regarding Dr. Smith's summit. You can unsubscribe here but you will no longer receive reminders and supporting content for this event. Dear Reader, Last week, at our first-ever Bulls vs. Bears Summit, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud shared the stage with the man he inspired to launch TradeStops – Dr. Richard Smith – and a star-studded cast of some of the best minds in financial research. At the Summit, Dr. Smith put together an incredible offer on his TradeStops software system... but I understand that offer wasn't right for everyone...  That's why I'm reaching out to you today.  Because you signed up for Dr. Smith's Summit, I'd like to tell you about a special offer for access to a monthly service that will still keep you updated on the status of the markets... Until midnight tomorrow, you can get 12 months of Dr. Sjuggerud's research, along with his brand-new Melt Up Opportunities Report, for just $39.  This research normally retails for $199 per year. Steve says, "This could be your last chance to double... even triple your retirement savings in the next year." And we don't want you to miss this chance. It could be the LAST major bull market we see for the next 20 or 30 years. So, we've put together a brief summary of Steve's thesis, along with details on how you can get his research for just $39. To get instant access to Steve's Melt Up Opportunities special report and make sure you don't miss out on the most explosive months of the Melt Up, click here. Regards, Jared Kelly Managing Director, Stansberry Research All contents of this e-mail are copyright 2019 by Stansberry Research. All rights reserved. Reproducing any part of this document is prohibited without the express written consent of Porter Stansberry. Protected by U.S. Copyright Law {Title 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2319}: Infringements can be punishable by up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. DISCLAIMER: The work included in this publication is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, and corporate press releases. It may contain errors, and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Stansberry Research. You're receiving this email at . If you have any questions about your subscription, or would like to change your email settings, please contact Stansberry Research at (888) 261-2693 Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Or if calling internationally, please call 443-839-0986. Stansberry Research, 1125 N Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201. If you wish to contact us by email, please do not reply to this message but instead go to info@stansberrycustomerservice.com. 

كيف تعمل مخبز

How to Start a Bakery

The first step in starting a successful bakery is, like all other business ventures, a good business plan. A properly created business plan helps attract future investors as well as top officials from other organizations. The business plan should include the following:

Anticipated expenditure

Long term business goals

Probable income

Expansion plans for future

Marketing strategies

Plans for starting a retail store

List of products to be sold

Locations for sale

Steps involved in opening a bakery

Financial Evaluation

It is important for entrepreneurs to evaluate their respective financial conditions before they set out to start the bakery. Their credit situation should be good enough before they approach the banks or other financial institutions for business loans. 

They also need to have some cash that can be used as down payment when they are buying or leasing the building where their bakery will be set up. 

Following are some ways in which entrepreneurs can secure the start-up finance:

Credit cards

Grants from national government

Small business loans

Gifts from family members, friends, and relatives

Grants from local government

Angel or institutional investors

Community Research

Researching the immediate community before setting up the bakery is always useful because of several reasons like getting to understand the tastes and preferences of the potential customers. At times they can also get some information regarding a bakery that might be closing shop, which will help them get a readymade establishment. 

This will help them to get started right away and also minimize their costs and time that would have been taken up in looking for a proper location. 

Deciding on Products

It is always important to decide what will be the focus product of the bakery before it is started so that the arrangements could be made likewise. 

Experts think it is always better to start off with the strong area before the necessary capital and experience are accumulated to branch out to other type of products. 

With better capital the owner will be in a good position to employ workers who are skilled in different areas of bakery. Greater experience will help them to get the courage to foray into new products. 

Often a good start enables the entrepreneurs to garner the fame that ensures proper reception of any new product launched by them. 

Importance of Location

The bakery owners should not waste much time in buying or leasing, depending on their financial capabilities and requirements, a house that they find ideal for their purposes. 

They can also enlist the help of professionals such as commercial real estate brokers and lawyers to take care of the various procedures and legal concerns. 

They also need to get in touch with the local health officers to invite them to inspect the facility before they buy it or before they open the bakery. The kitchen is an important area in this aspect.

They can also do some prior research from the official website of the government department that will be doing the inspection. This will help them get prepared to meet their requirements by keeping what is necessary and thus starting off on the right foot. 

Purchasing Kitchen Equipment

This is an important part of the bakery business and perhaps also the most difficult part as the payment needs to be done straightaway if the establishment that has been bought for opening the outlet does not have a readymade one. 

In case the owners are on a tight leash in terms of financial availability they can look at restaurants that are closing or auctioning off their equipment.

The owners can also look up sites such as eBay.com for second hand equipment that can be used in commercial establishments. They need to remember that proper kitchen equipment goes a long way in making the inspectors feel satisfied with the arrangements. 

Post Health Inspection Procedures

Once the health inspection process gets over the owners will need to fill up the necessary papers and submit the amount needed to get the permit. 

If the owners have rented a kitchen from an operational food related organization such as a restaurant or another bakery, they can arrange a review of its file and straightaway apply for the permit. However, they need to do some research beforehand to determine which licenses and permits will be applicable for them. 

Promotion of the Bakery

In order to make sure that people come to know about the bakery the owners need to come up with promotional materials or, better still, create a website to spread the word about the bakery. 

As soon as the necessary permits are obtained the owners can decide the company name and logo. The following can be used, aside from websites, to make people aware of the bakery:

Business cards


Order forms

In order for the website to be deemed authentic, it should have the following:


Product information

Contact details

Special offers

They should also use the logos on the bags and boxes while delivering to make sure that customers know whom to call when they throw a party or are in a mood for a munch or two. 

There are several ways in which the bakery owners can generate interest within the local community about their company and this can be done even without a major opening ceremony. 

They can provide the local media houses press releases about their organization – they can also provide regular updates regarding their products and services to the media through press releases later on. 

Attending meetings and events organized by the regional associations

A sure way to get greater visibility in the local business circle is to attend the meetings and events organized by the regional associations like the chambers of commerce. 

Here, the owners will be able to interact with community leaders and business owners about their set-up. They can also market their products at these events. Furthermore they can provide free samples or sponsor local fundraisers and charity events to become famous and appreciated. 

Supply Chain Management in Bakeries

Managing the production is an integral part of a bakery’s operation. However, this comes in a little later when the company has been catering on a regular basis to a significant number of people. 

The following professionals are required to help address these issues in a bakery:DesignationRoleAssistant dough maker

Production in the plant

Proper operation

Product quality

Yield maintenance

Proper deployment of labor

Developing new product lines

Stopping ingredients wastage

Prevention of losses owing to damaged or spoiled products

Assistant dough maker

Helps the dough maker especially during the breaks

Knocks the dough back at previously specified times

Assistant manager and Night manager

Assisting the production manager

Performing the duties assigned by the production manager

Flour runner

Supplying the flour into the blender as per instructions provided by the production manager

Operating the sack cleaning plant

Purchase officer

Buying everything needed in a bakery

Divider man

Controls the amount of dough being fed into a divider

Proper operation of the divider

Maintaining regular weights

Store keeper

Managing the stores

Keeping records

Checking materials coming in lots

Supervision of supply and stacking of materials

Final proover feeder

Checks the dough’s tinning

Changing over the production type

Foreman/shift in charge/supervisor

Answers to the production manager

Oven cleaner

Takes out the breads from the tins

Oven cleaner

Takes out the breads from the tins

Assistant supervisor/Charge hand

Assist the foreman or supervisor

Performs the foreman’s duties when he is absent

Baker/Table hand

Moulds, handles and scales the dough

Feeding empty or full tins in the oven

Clearing the oven

Dough maker

Making proper dough through good weighing

Blending and sifting of flour

Proper scaling of other ingredients

Cleaning the premises where he or she is working

Keep proper records of all the ingredients used

كيف تعمل مدرسة

How to Start a High School

Starting a private high school is often considered a difficult procedure that takes a fair bit of time. However, it is not an altogether impossible task as plenty of entrepreneurs have shown previously.

In fact, any businessman looking to set up a high school can get a lot of practical knowledge and inspiration from the way previous school owners have gone about their businesses.

Things to do before setting up a high school

As a matter of fact, the entrepreneur looking to start a high school it is better to have a look at the website of a successful school and get some useful information. This will show that starting a high school can be a time consuming affair that needs a lot of support and money.

It normally takes around 2 years to get a high school started. In case of India, an entrepreneur needs to get affiliation from any of the following national level boards:

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE)

They can also apply for affiliation of the different state level education boards if they prefer it that way.

Steps to follow while opening a high school in India

Identifying the location

It is important to locate the place where the high school can be set up. It is practically useless to start a high school in an area which already has a surfeit of such schools and needs institutions for the lower grades. 

Entities looking to start the high school will be better served if they can employ professional market researchers to do the job for them. This needs to be done at least 2-3 years before the school becomes operational.

Committee Formation

This process has to be completed at least 2 years prior to the school’s start. It is advisable to start with a smaller body of supporters who are good enough to do the initial work – this can include parents who have financial, management, legal, and construction related experience.

However, it is important to make sure that every member gives some quality time and financial assistance to the project – they can also become the first members in the board of directors.

Entrepreneurs can also employ professionals for this purpose if they have the necessary financial resources – they will come in handy with regards to meeting various problems and challenges.

Incorporating the High School

This function should ideally be completed 18 months before the school gets off the ground. The incorporation papers should be registered with relevant authorities – it is better to let the lawyer member in the advisory committee handle these procedures. These processes have a certain expense but the owner should try to convince the member to contribute his or her legal services to the program.

As per experts, this is also an important step in the context of long term fund generation as legally registered bodies find it easier to procure funds than an individual. However, if the school is proprietary in nature then only the owner will be responsible for collecting the funds.

Business Plan Development

The business plan for the school should be ready not late than 18 months before it starts operating. Ideally it should outline the way the school is going to function in the first 5 years.

It is better to be reserved while making these estimates and not want to attain the top position right away. However, if there is a person willing to donate for the entire program then more ambitious plans may be made. 

Making a Budget

Like the business plan, this task should also be accomplished 18 months before the school gets off the ground. Initially the budget should be developed for a 5 year period. The budget should be handled by the committee member who is adept at financial matters. It should be done in a realistic manner and there should be some breathing space to accommodate future problems.

Two types of budget need to be created – a capital budget and an operating budget. Facilities such as arts rooms or swimming pools will be regarded as capital expenditure while social security should be classed as operational expense. It is better to get expert help on this critical matter. 

Following are some areas in a school’s budget:



Lab equipment

Staff salary

Conducting examinations

Equipment for students (this is applicable if the school is being opened in an economically disadvantaged area)

Facilities such as playgrounds, pools

Sports and musical equipment for students (this will be applicable if the school is a regular participant in such events)

Additional facilities like arts rooms


Applicable taxes

Food and lodging (the later will be applicable if it is a boarding school)

Water connection

Maintenance for pipes and sanitary equipment in bathroom

Building maintenance

Classroom equipments such as whiteboards, markers and computers

Chairs and tables for teachers and chairs and desks for students

Participation fee at events

Excursion expenses

Construction of the School Building

This needs to be done a minimum of 20 months before the functioning starts. An entrepreneur looking to build a school should either locate the building or develop the plans by this time if he wants to start from ground zero. This assignment should be looked after by the contractors and architects, if there are any, in the committee. It is always better to check out the following factors:

Building location


Building history

Environment friendly nature

When it comes to size, experts make the following recommendations:

32% of the gross area in a high school should be used for circulation – this means corridors, lobby, and stairs

Mechanical rooms, storage rooms, and electrical closets should not be included in the circulation space

The corridors should be big

There should be no interior classes without windows

Materials such as drywall and metal studs may be used for reducing wall area but that might increase the maintenance expenses

In case of multistoried buildings, the lower walls should be thick and strong enough to support the upper walls

The building should ideally be two-storied and have a lot of floor area so that students are not unduly stressed while moving between classes

Procuring Tax Benefits

For an entrepreneur to generate sufficient funds for the school, it should be exempted from taxes and for this to happen the owner needs to make relevant applications. The lawyer on the board can handle these issues – it is better to get started as early as possible so that they can get more people interested in contributing to the school.

The tax exemptions granted to a school from the national level administration can also apply at the state level but it is better to pay the local taxes as a mark of goodwill.

Normally the total income of a school is exempted from taxes in India. However, the employees in a school and the school itself can also be eligible for tax benefits in the following situations:

If their gratuity is less than INR 3.5 lakhs

Payment from superannuation fund

If their pension is within specific limits

If the school provides its employees special privileges such as house rent allowance

If their leave encashment money is less than their total salary for 8 months – however, there are certain conditions to this

If it pays interest to an international bank that has RBI’s approval

If their voluntary retirement amount is lesser than INR 5 lakhs or equal to it

If it receives payment from an award provided by the Indian or state governments

Money received from Statutory Provident Fund or Public Provident Fund


By 14-16 months before formally opening the school, the owners should identify and appoint the business manager and the school head. They should look at as many options as are available. In addition, they should pen down the responsibilities of various employees of the school.

The school head and the business manager should be hired as soon as possible so that they have the time and mental peace necessary to make sure the foundations of the school are strong enough. In these cases the owners can also look for also professionals to make sure that the school is opened on time. 

An important factor in recruitment is employing people according to the immediate requirement and this has to be done in lieu of competitive salaries. New school owners can try to convince experienced faculty members that they are getting an excellent opportunity to shape an educational institution and play a decisive role in its future. Professional help can also be sought in this regard. 

An owner should make sure that prospective teachers are mentally tuned with the school’s vision and requirements. Otherwise, any gap in this regard could harm the institution in the long term.

The following factors should be kept in mind while recruiting teachers:

Should be able to create curricula

Should be able to instruct students properly

Should be able to plan the activities that will keep students interested

Should at least be a bachelor in the subject of focus

Should have a Bachelor’s degree in Education

Should regularly take education instruction and development courses

Under ideal circumstances, the teacher of a high school should be receiving INR 4-5 lakhs in a year and his or her yearly bonus should be at least 30,000 rupees. They can also be paid part of the profit but the amount should not, in the interest of the school owner, exceed 50,000 per teacher. If they are eligible for commission payment it should be limited to INR 25-26 thousand a year. 

Funding Operations

14 months before a school is opened the owner should collect the initial funds through subscriptions and donations. The owner needs to develop a plan carefully so that the funding campaign gathers momentum gradually, yet is at par with financial requirements. 

The owners can look for lively people from their board of directors to spearhead the whole exercise. It is better to avoid small fundraisers. Instead, the owners should apply to philanthropists and foundations for help. It is better to get professional help for writing the appeals and locating prospective donors.

Generating Awareness

This process should be started 14 months before a school starts to function or even earlier. The owners can use community based activities such as service club presentations to promote their schools and issue advertisements for students. 

Owners can also set up mailing lists for connecting with prospective students and donors. It is better to have professionals perform the task. Nowadays, with the advancements of technology, communication has become easier. Following are some ways in which the owners can publicize their school:

Open a Facebook page for the school where you can post all the latest developments and goings-on

Start a twitter page which shall serve the same purpose as the Facebook page

Issue advertisements in local newspapers and magazines – choose ones that have the maximum readership

Organize cultural and competitive events at their school and let other schools

participate. This will project a vibrant atmosphere

Run advertisements in television, movie theaters and local events

Run advertisements in television, movie theaters and local events

Initiating Operations

9 months before the proposed opening date of the school, the owners should start the office and start doing the interviews for admissions – they can also give prospective parents a tour of the school if it is complete by then.

The owner can also employ professionals to take care of the following:

Procuring instructional material

Coming up with a timetable

Planning the syllabi for various classes

Training and Orientation of Faculty Members

Your faculty members should be ready to go the day the school opens. The first year of a high school is always critical as it always requires lot of planning sessions and meetings to ensure smooth operation. So it is better if the teachers are trained beforehand.

Stay Updated

It is considered useful if the owner becomes a part of regional or national level associations for privately held high schools because of the resources on offer as well as the chances for networking. It is better to attend conferences and other events right from the start as it guarantees a great lot of visibility.

Attracting Students

This is an important part of the school business. There are several ways in which entrepreneurs can attract students for their school:

Providing scholarships

Providing residential facilities

Setting up exchange programs with other top schools in the region or outside the country if possible

Providing sports, arts, or music training programs

Providing recruitment opportunities upon graduation

Providing vocational programs search to find out which products or keywords can be helpful for affiliate marketing and then promote them through their websites or articles.

List of leading high schools in India

Cathedral and John Cannon School, Mumbai

Campion School, Mumbai

Shri Ram School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi

National Public School, Indiranagar, Bangalore

Mallya Aditi International School, Bangalore

Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai

The Mother’s International School, New Delhi

Padma Seshadri Bala Bhawan Senior Secondary School, Nungambakkam, Chennai

Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi

DAV Boys Senior Secondary School, Chennai


كيف تعمل موقع عمل

How to Start a Website Business

The basic step in starting a website business is having a proper plan. It is important to do some market research to find out the potential customers. While creating the business plan it is important to determine the following points: 

How to find the customers

How to keep the customers

How to secure the customers

It is important that entrepreneurs start with plans for maintaining the clients because it is the most crucial part and the end purpose of their business. The best way to retain customers is to provide them value and solve their problems as soon as possible. It is also helpful if a website can offer various solutions to a problem and let the customers choose as per their convenience.

Once the businessman has figured out how to retain his customers he can think about the ways to find them. Advertising is an important part of the website business and the expenses in this regard have to be planned carefully.

The website needs to determine the ways in which their value as a service or product provider can be communicated properly. They also need to gather knowledge on things that can lead people to take action – this is easily the toughest part of the website business but also plays a major role in determining its success. 

The entrepreneurs should ideally focus on providing consumers improved and quicker services but they should keep their revenue requirements in mind and not compromise with their prices. The business should be like the marketing strategies being adopted because it is important to follow up on the promises that have been made in the promotional campaign for achieving success in business.

The basic plan for marketing a website business is to know the trigger words that can lead customers to come to their site and use their products and services. The entrepreneur should make sure that every dollar spent on advertising should provide some return on investment. They should also monitor their returns properly and this needs to be done both in the long and short term. 

How to start a website business – prioritizing the visitors

First-time website owners need to realize that the visitor has to be given top priority for the website to do well in the long run. However, they need to be aware of what needs to be provided to the consumers and how it can be done. As soon as the entrepreneur understands this requirement he will be able to model the design, content, and structure of the site accordingly.

Steps to be taken to start a website business in india

Choosing the domain

When a first time website owner is looking for an area of focus, it is better to choose one that has a sizeable demand but does not have too many sites providing any content or information. He can use the Google Keyword tool and find out the amount of websites on a particular topic using the quotation marks. Google Trends can also be used to find out a profitable keyword or topic.

Building User Friendly Website

First-time website owners need to realize that the visitor has to be given top priority for the website to do well in the long run. However, they need to be aware of what needs to be provided to the consumers and how it can be done. As soon as the entrepreneur understands this requirement he will be able to model the design, content, and structure of the site accordingly.

Complete availability of information

Nowadays websites, and especially blogging sites, are the biggest storehouses of information and viewpoints on any given topic. If the owner decides to start a blog, it is better to start off with an area of proficiency so that they can be seen as active members and useful contributors in their immediate community. It is a long term strategy but the benefits are pretty remarkable as well:

greater authority

more sales

increased return visits

potential to grow viral SEO food

Complete information about the product in case of E commerce website

A website owner should be able to project the beneficial side to their business capabilities and experience when he is talking about his product or service. It is better to have a clear idea of what benefits the customers want so that they can be assured of the same.

Optimized Website

New website owners can use Google Analytics tools to optimize their products as it is the best option available and can be used for free. With this tool, they will be able to find out from where the site is getting visitors, which part of the site is getting maximum visitors and how much time they are spending on it. Google Analytics is the best way to add to a website’s conversion rate. The basic steps for using this platform may be mentioned as below:

install Google Analytics

study behavior of the users

derive conclusions

apply the changes

repeat this every month

Promotion of the website through Social media

Social media nowadays is perhaps the most powerful tool when it comes to promotion of a website. The two most prominent names in this domain, Twitter and Facebook, are updating themselves frequently. This means that the websites also need to keep pace with such changes in order to survive. Some businesses do well as they are naturally tailored to succeed in these domains but even then the websites need to be aware how both these websites and others can be used for interacting with the target clientele and doing business with them.

Importance of research

To begin with, the website owners need to do some good research before starting operations. They need to see how the top sites in their chosen domain are functioning and what they are offering to the customers. This will give them a good idea of what is needed to succeed. Proper research will also help them to come up with keywords that are well optimized and help draw readers and search engine crawlers.

Using Google Adsense

Google Adsense can be used to make a site that is based only on information. The website owners can also market affiliate programs for the readers. With this tool, they will be able to place relevant advertisements and whenever they are clicked the owners will be paid a definite amount by Google. The affiliate programs are made by businessmen for promotion of their products. The first time website owners can collaborate with them and promote their products and services for a referral fee. They can do some research to find out which products or keywords can be helpful for affiliate marketing and then promote them through their websites or articles. 

كيف تعمل فرانشيز

How to Start a Franchise

The first step in starting a franchise in India is deciding on the city where it will be launched. It is advisable to start off with locations such as Mumbai, Bangalore, and New Delhi that are in better economic positions than Patna or Puri.

The infrastructure of these cities is better and the clients have higher levels of dispensable income. The disadvantage of opening a franchise in these cities is that they have saturated markets and the premium payment is bigger compared to a second tier city.

Steps required to be taken to open a franchise

Determining the niche

The entrepreneurs should have a clear idea of where they will like to start their operations. Normally in India restaurants, after sales computer services, consumer goods outlets, and printing and documentation services are regarded as the best options for starting a franchise.

It is better to operate in a field where the owners have some experience. Otherwise, they can also hire experienced employees or managers. It is advisable to go for established names such as Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions or Subway Restaurants while opening a franchise if the entrepreneur does not have sufficient financial resources.

Completing the formalities

Anybody opening a franchise in India needs to register themselves with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs after the initial agreement with the franchise provider. If the franchisee is from outside India, they can get in touch with international brokers such as Franchise International Inc. They can seek assistance from international brokers in the following business related paperwork, on the basis of the franchise’s size and kind:




International businessmen looking to start a franchise in India will be better off without starting operations if they are unwilling to stay here or at least, visit it on a regular basis.

Human resource requirements

It is important for a new franchisee to understand the number of employees that will be required at various stages of operation. The owners also need to know the exact roles of their employees. They can also enlist the services of consulting services or employment agencies for recruiting the right people for different positions.

Paying Taxes

It is important for a franchise owner to pay his taxes on a regular basis and fulfill other mandatory reporting commitments on definite intervals. If it is an international owner then he will also have to comply with similar regulations in his country of residence.

In case the franchise owner is based in the US, he will need to look up IRS publications on a regular basis so that he can get the latest information on the cutoff level applicable for businessmen operating outside the country.

In case they hold shares in a franchise in India they will need to comply with these requirements as well. They can also employ the services of professional accountants who have sufficient knowledge and experience in such areas.

Managing currency risks

This is applicable for international businessmen running franchises in India. Their first investment is normally done in international currency while the initial earnings are in INR. There is a risk in these cases that the INR might lose value with respect to an international currency.

They can adopt some protection against these risks by short selling futures valued in INR or investing small amounts in the futures markets of their respective countries. However, in case of currencies that are worth more than the INR, such protection is not always required.


كيف تعمل فرقة موسيقية

How to Start a Band

The first step to starting a successful band is finding the musicians – for example, in case of a rock band, at least a guitarist, a drummer, and a bassist are required. There should also be a lead singer who may or may not need to play an instrument. At present there are several sites such as Whosdoing.com and band-mix that provide budding musicians the opportunity to contact each other and start the band. 

It is advisable, however, to look at the maximum possible sites to find the right musicians to play with. Choosing from acquaintances such as friends or relatives to form a band is considered a good decision as they can be expected to stay together for a longer period of time. It is ideal if the band members have some previous training in the instrument they have chosen to play.

How to Start a Band – getting a name

While choosing the name of a band the musicians can opt for a cool name or something that carries a lot of meaning and the essence of their music. It is better to choose a name that is short and convenient for everyone to hear, spell or read.

Naming is an important part of the band’s branding so it is advisable to not opt for a trademarked name if it is not a tribute band. If the band members are unable to find a name as such they can come up with certain adjectives and nouns and choose a name that is a combination of both.

How to Start a Band – picking the genre

It is important for a band to decide the genre they are going to focus on. They can also decide on a couple of styles a la bands like Linkin Park or Flipsyde. If the band is being formed by previously unacquainted people they can bring their favorite CDs and play them to get an idea of their respective musical preferences that can later on help in deciding their genre.

How to Start a Band – importance of band agreements

While starting out as a band, it is better for the band members to sign an agreement that deals with various areas of the music business and the rights of individual band members regarding these areas:


ownership of songs



This comes in especially handy when a member leaves the band – having properly framed agreements help in reducing problems later on. However, the band needs to keep in mind that such contracts can become contentious issues for future band mates. So, it is better to make sure that all the members are in agreement that such a contract needs to be there at the first place.

How to Start a Band – getting the practice space

The most important thing about starting a band is to get a proper space for practicing on a regular basis. It can be a basement or garage. The band members need to decide if they will keep all the equipment over there. If it is someone else’s space they should take the necessary permissions.

How to Start a Band – importance of regular practices

It is said that practice makes a man perfect and this is perfectly applicable for bands which need to rehearse together as much as possible to develop a good rapport that will be their hallmark in their future and help them become successful.

Proper practice also comes in handy when the bands go to record their songs. Recording is a costly process and the degree of preparation decides how much time a band will take to rehearse their songs.

How to Start a Band – the process of song writing

When a band performs for the first time in a solo show it is better if it has 11-12 songs. However, when it is opening for other bands 4-5 good songs should be sufficient. The band can also copyright their songs at the concerned governmental office. Ideally the bands should practice long enough before they decide to write down the songs.

How to Start a Band – recording demos

A demo is the finest promotional tool for a new band. It can be marketed at live shows and can be helpful in finding a record contract, manager, or agent. The new groups can avail websites such as MySpace.com or social networking sites like Facebook to promote their music.

How to Start a Band – looking for shows

In the music industry, a press kit is regarded as an equivalent of the resume. The electronic press kits have to be produced at venues in order to book them for shows. New bands can look up sites such as Sonic Bids to get a good idea as to how these can be prepared.

How to Start a Band – publicity

In order to generate awareness, a new band can go for flyers and take them to work or at school and put these up at places meant displaying such notifications. They can also ask their friends, relatives or acquaintances to get some word of the mouth publicity.

When the band becomes a regular on the circuit it can look at sites such as SoundCloud to gain further popularity. There are plenty of online music communities such as Artistir.com. They should also have a mailing list of important people in the music business so that they can be contacted easily.

They can also put up a video on Youtube.com and gauge the reaction to their music and some valuable feedback. This also helps in establishing contacts with important professionals like managers and accountants.

How to Start a Band – expectations

While starting out a band should be realistic about what they can achieve. Getting to the top in the music industry is a difficult job and requires a rational mindset and proper assessment of potential. They should keep trying hard but not get discouraged easily if expectations are not met.

كيف تعمل مدونة

How to Start a Blog

The most important factor while deciding to start a blog is determining the topic on which the write-ups will be based. The blogger will need to establish him or herself as a credible writer  in order to make the blog a successful one. Ideally the topic should be one where the blogger has a lot of interest and knowledge as that will help him or her produce the quality that is needed to draw readers on a regular basis.

There are a certain areas that the bloggers need to be clear about when it comes to starting their blog - the value they are providing to the readers through the blog and what can they expect from the same. It is better to avoid a self-servicing blog and focus on one that provides some value for one and all.

Steps to follow in order to start a Blog

Decision on hosting

An important choice for bloggers while starting out is deciding whether to host it themselves or avail free blogging services. With the free blogging services the bloggers do not have their personal domain and thus there is no possibility of owning the blog as such. If later on they opt to change their domain they are unable to take the readers because of the lack of ownership.

It is advisable to own a blog and use the free blogging software provided by sites such as Wordpress.com. These platforms also provide bloggers with greater freedom and flexibility like having their own domain name. The expenses involved are fairly affordable as well.

Finding the web host for the blog

The most convenient way to procure a website is to avail the services of a web hosting company that provides quick installation services for forum and blogging software. These platforms enable even inexperienced bloggers to upload quality content fairly easily.

Bloggers willing to avail this option can use the services of websites like Dreamhost and GoDaddy.com that have specialized plans and also take great care in attending to the requirements of the first time bloggers.

In case a blogger is facing budgetary constraints they can go for standard hosting services provided by websites such as 1and1 hosting. These sites have control panels that are easy to use and reliable servers. The bloggers can also explore websites such as typepad.com that offer comparatively more features for small fees.

Finding a proper blogging platform

First time bloggers can use blogging sites such as LiveJournal, Xanga, Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress.com, and Webs. These sites have facilities like push button publishing and already installed templates. The best thing is that the users do not require lot of technical knowledge to use these features.

The advantage of the readymade templates is that the bloggers can opt for a color scheme from among these and design an attractive layout for the blog. Once the blogger decides on the theme he or she can add their names, images, and interests.

They can also try websites such as Pyzam.com or PimpMyProfile.com to get a unique template that can make the blog look even better. Any of the following blogging freebies can be used from sites such as myshoutbox.com for making the blog look even more attractive:





blog chalks

The bloggers can also add the following to get the readers’ viewpoints on their write-ups:

Guest maps

Comment boxes


The blog can also be made attractive by using free themes named faces from Wordpress. Otherwise, the bloggers can also buy themes that are endowed with better features and are normally available to a select group.

Public or private

A major decision faced by every blogger is whether to make the blog a public or private one, where only friends or other people in the immediate social networking circles will have access. Majority of the blog sites offer password protection services for published posts so that the bloggers can decide who will see the blog.

The initial phase

In the initial phase the bloggers need to test their write-ups after deciding on the template. Once the bloggers start writing on a regular basis they will see that it has become almost an addiction. They can also make some changes to the style or layout of their platform.

Building up a network

An important constituent of a successful blog is the network of the blogger. It is better if the bloggers make it a habit to read other posts and provide their inputs, while providing links to their own work at the same time. They can also send URLs of their blogs to their friends and acquaintances and ensure a steady readership for their work.

The business aspects

Blogs are a great way to earn nowadays but, for that to happen, the quality needs to improve on a regular basis. The bloggers can also add or remove blogging categories as and when needed or improve the design to make it more design savvy. They can also increase the scope for comments on the blogs to increase user participation in their blogs and making it a more attractive proposition from a financial point of view.

Importance of a good headline

Good and attractive headlines can make all the difference for a blog. For example, if it is technology oriented the blogger can provide readers information on subjects like internet marketing techniques that have not been explained properly in other sites. A nice headline can come in handy in this regard as it can convey the information to the readers and generate some curiosity about the end product.

The bloggers can also use trigger words in order to get readers to their blog. These words are useful when it comes to eliciting a response from the readers and getting them to take a decision, something that might not be possible with normal words. They can also choose to be specific with the titles so that the readers have a good idea of what to expect.

كيف تعمل محل قهوة

How to Start a Cafes

Starting a cafe is being considered a lucrative business right now as it provides a great option for consumers who like to eat out frequently and socialize as well and along with water and oil, coffee is one of the most often sold commodities of the world.

When a cafe is being opened the first thing that an entrepreneur needs to avoid is listening to consultants or experts who have very little or no experience in the industry.

It is advisable that they seek assistance only from professionals who have a proper track record of having started cafes. People who are passionate and honest about their business policies will be able to tell the entrepreneurs whether they have can be successful with their business or not.

Criteria to be followed to open a new cafe

Importance of experience

It is important that the owners of a cafe have a minimum of 2-3 years’ experience in the business. It is important to have detailed knowledge of operations and functioning in various positions can help an entrepreneur significantly in this regard. 

Choosing a proper location

The basic requirement in choosing a good enough location for the cafe is discussing with the regional planning board about the quality of plans available and determining if in any way they can affect the business in a negative way. The cafe should be situated in an area that enjoys lot of traffic and has plenty of parking spaces. It should also be in the vicinity of the major offices in the area.

Determining the viability of lease agreements

The main factor in coming to a decision about the terms of lease is the price. The agreement could also impose restrictions on expanding the business operations. It is better to talk with an attorney regarding these issues.

Obtain permits necessary

The entrepreneurs need to remember that several permits are necessary while opening a cafe:

Construction permit

Fire permit

Health permit

Sanitation permit

Electrical permit

Waste permit

Plumbing permit

Wine and beer license

Financial requirements

The owners can use their own money to get the business started or ask family members or friends to become investors. They can also approach banks for loans for such purposes.

Buying equipments

The entrepreneurs need to start operations with basic equipment such as stoves, freezers, and refrigerators and these should ideally be new. Older equipment needs to be avoided as they run the risk of failing at any point in time.

This can also increase losses in revenue and food and dissatisfaction of customers. However, second-hand prep areas and sinks can be bought at the initial stages of the business. If used chairs and tables are in proper condition they can be used too. 

Deciding on the appropriate structure

To start with, the cafe should be opened on a small space and it can be expanded upon if the enterprise is successful. If the cafe starts with a large area to start with and the tables are not filled regularly then it becomes hard to maintain the entire structure.

It is also necessary to make sure that the tables are flexible enough to be rearranged for larger groups. Ideally the tables should be big enough to accommodate 4-6 people.

Keeping track of dietary restrictions and expanding the menu

Ideally the owners should be flexible enough to ask the customers if they want low fat or low sodium dishes or if they will prefer grilled food instead of fried. It is also better to have special dishes that are liked by children such as peanut butter and jelly, chicken fingers, and grilled cheese sandwiches. 

They should also be able to change the menu on a regular basis. For example, a café specializing in vegetarian and fish based dishes can later on include meat based dishes such as pastrami and burgers. They can also choose other exotic cuisines such as Middle Eastern dishes in order to expand their customer base.

Recruitment process

It is better to hire waiters and cooks who have some previous experience in the industry so that they can be trained in the shortest time possible. This also enables the owners to determine if a particular recruit will suit the requirement or not. They also need to create a proper system and make sure that the workers adhere to it.

Managing a sales system

Cafe owners should have a credit card terminal and be able to accept Visa and Mastercard as nowadays customers are using these more often than not. If they do not have one, they will have to refuse such customers. They should also have proper steps for dealing with such customers like setting a minimum charge for using them.

Mechanical cash registers are also helpful when it comes to tracking the sales and cash statistics. It is better to have a point of sales software system for analyzing the sales and profitability of a café. It can also indicate the salability of different items so that the owners can remove ones that are not doing well and include new ones in their place.

Maintenance and cleaning

The owners need to make sure that the restaurants should be cleaned on a regular basis. The cleaning can be scheduled on hourly, weekly or daily intervals depending on the equipment or area in question.

The seating area needs to be cleaned regularly so that the customers find visiting the café a good experience. The equipment should also be cleaned on a regular basis so as to avoid health and hygiene related problems. The owners should determine whether they will be cleaned during or after working hours. 

Customer services and recovery systems

Every cafe should have a regular way of greeting its customers. It is important that the staff be trained in these matters so that no two customers are greeted differently. Such training also helps workers who are not naturally skilled in these areas of business.

The common mistakes that have to be avoided while operating a cafe:

Mixing up orders

Spilling food or drinks

Serving sub standard dishes

However, if these situations are properly handled then the customers will leave satisfied. The staff members also need to be trained in this regard. Some steps that can be taken in this regard are:

Providing them an extra item for free

Giving the miffed customers high priority

Giving money back on orders to dissatisfied customers

Major challenges faced after opening a cafe

The major issues facing the successful operation of a cafe are varying prices of food, wastage, and changes in personnel. The owners need to keep changing their menu and minimize wastage to the least possible level.

Ideally, food expenses should be less than a fourth of the overhead expenses and labor expenses should be less than 30 percent. The owners should always have complete control over the various operations in their cafe. 

كيف تعمل مصنع

How to Start a Factory

There are two ways to start a factory- the entrepreneur can either start a factory by themselves or can purchase an existing one and start the operations. The entrepreneurs need to remember that their expenditure will be dependent on their choice.

Steps that should be taken to start a new Factory

Determining cash sales

An integral part of opening a factory is determining the cash sales, which is the aggregate income received through sales and other transactions. The owners should have a clear idea of estimating the income they can make from the sales in the first year of operations and should account for various taxes such as VAT. The estimates need to be made on the basis of the type of business.

Determining the type of factory you want to start

The first thing that a factory owner needs to decide while determining the business type is the customer base. They need to determine if they will look to work on a national level or outside the country as well. Following are some other important considerations in this regard:

Where will the focus be – on finished goods to be sold at the consumer markets or components and parts for other manufacturers?

Will goods be produced only on the basis of orders or continuously?

The location and size of the premises. Ideally, the factory should be located near motorways and important connecting roads. This will help in

convenient delivery of raw materials and easy distribution of products

Will orders for modification of products be accepted or will it only be a standard set of goods?

Will there be a retail establishment or showroom attached to the factory?

Will production be automated or labor intensive?

How will the goods be delivered to the markets? Should freelance selling agents be recruited or should there be a dedicated sales team for the purpose?

Will the customers be provided ordering privileges on the internet?

Will a skilled workforce be necessary?

Will production be non-stop or will it be the more conventional five days a week routine?

Will freelance workers be employed?

Determining the products

The basic choice in this area of business is determining the sort of products to be made by a factory. However, there are some other important considerations as well:

How will your products be different from similar goods that are already in the market? Will they be for the mass market or just for some selected companies and a niche market?

How will wastage, seconds, re-works and rejects be monitored?

Will you need to employ specialized equipment and plant for every stage of your product manufacturing or is the machinery capable enough to handle different stages of production well enough? The latter part is especially important if the owner is looking to manufacture goods that might only experience a short term demand.

Will they be able to sell any waste or scrap?

What will be the source of the raw materials?

What will be the quantity of the product manufactured? It is necessary to determine early on the minimum requirements regarding volume and value will be imposed regarding customers’ orders

Will the products be sold in the fair trade markets?

Will the volume of production stay consistent throughout the year or will there be seasonal increases?

The time that will be taken to complete an order.

Is there any possibility to enter into partnerships with another manufacturer so that the consumers can be offered value added products? However, the companies need to be aware that their customers do not end up buying the products of their competitors.

What targets of productivity will be set for the workers?

Whether they will need to provide general consumers, retail customers, and sales team display models and samples? These should also be included in the costing calculations.

How will productivity be monitored?

How can carbon emissions be minimized?

Determining the product pricing

Ideally the pricing policy of a factory should cover its various costs, drawings, and overheads. The factory owners also need to determine the currency in which business shall be done and decide the time interval for reviewing the prices. They also need to choose if they will provide rebates and discounts.

The factory owners should try to widen their customer base as with a smaller number, the clients are in a position to impose their will on them. They should also look to procure raw material from within India as imported goods will become costlier as and when the Rupee depreciates. Ideally the owners should construct a safety margin in the prices for guarding against such a possibility.

Some more things to be kept in mind while starting a factory

The entrepreneurs should remember that prices should not be the sole attractive feature of their products or services – there should be other factors such as commendable design features, individualized services, and top class standards. It is also important to opt for a market segment that has a reasonable performance record for a substantial period of time and will grow properly in the future as well.

كيف تعمل جامعة في الهند

How to Start a University

The private universities of India are established by different State Acts and adhere to the provisions mentioned in the UGC Act, 1956 and also follow the amendments to the same.

The laws state that a private university should be a singular entity that has sufficient teaching, examination, and research facilities in addition to extension services. A private university created as per a State Act operates generally within the territorial boundaries of the state where it is inaugurated.

Opening Subsidiary Units

A university will be permitted to start off-campus centers, study centers, and off-shore campuses after a period of 5 years. Such permission is provided in special circumstances and requires the fulfillment of the following conditions:

The study centers and off-campus centers can be established with previous consent from the UGC and the ruling government of the state where the facility will be based

An off shore campus can only be opened after procuring the necessary permission from the Union Government of India and the government of the country where the center will be based

Either the UGC or an agency selected by it will monitor the total performance of the centers. The centers will be required to follow the management, improvement and academic development related guidelines provided by the UGC

The remittance of funds of the off shore campuses will be done as per the relevant guidelines and laws mentioned by the Reserve Bank of India

If the UGC finds the performance of the said centers to be less than satisfactory the concerned universities will have to stop operating them. However in these circumstances, the well-being of the already enrolled will be properly attended to

Guidelines for opening a new University

The private universities of India need to satisfy the minimum guidelines for several areas such as:




Financial feasibility

Following are the statutory organizations, aside from the University Grants Commission (UGC) whose guidelines have to be followed by the new universities in India:

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Indian Nursing Council (INC)

Bar Council of India (BCI)

Medical Council of India (MCI)

Distance Education Council (DEC)

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

Dental Council of India (DCI)

Pharmacy Control of India (PCI)

With regards to fees and process of admission, the university in question will be required to follow the norms laid down by the UGC and other relevant statutory bodies.

University Curriculum Composition

The degree and diploma programs of a new university at the undergraduate and postgraduate level need to have the formal consent of the following constituent bodies of the same:

Board of Studies

Governing/Executive Council

Academic Council

The university will be required to adhere to the norms related to curriculum laid down by the UGC or any other relevant statutory body. It will also need to follow all the modifications that are done to the existing norms in this regard. The private organization will have to provide detailed information regarding the following areas of its various programs to the UGC before initiating them:

Curriculum structure

System of evaluation and examination


Eligibility criteria for admitting students

Process of teaching and learning

The UGC will conduct a thorough analysis of the information thus provided and also look into the feedback and complaints from the students regarding the curriculum. It will also seek additional opinion on whether the proposed programs have followed the UGC norms and all the possible problematic areas.

The UGC will then inform the concerned university about the shortcomings – the university will consequently need to address these areas and then offer the modified versions of the concerned programs.

Inspection of Universities in India

The UGC conducts inspection of the university at definite intervals. This is also applicable for the off campus centers, offshore campuses, and study centers of the same.

The UGC will also collect important information in this regard from the university in question. This is done as per the UGC (Returns of Information by Universities) Rules, 1979 – the amendments to the same will also have to be followed as and when applicable.

Problems with Opening University in India

The major factor for opening a university in India is to present a new dimension to technology, science, and other emerging disciplines. Infrastructural requirements are another major issue in this regard.

The Indian government normally provides special incentives for inaugurating universities in remote areas. In recent times several deemed universities have been de-affiliated for being unable to satisfy the required guidelines regarding faculty and infrastructure.

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How to Start a Software Company

The information technology and software industry of India has been a major contributor to the country’s progressive economic performance in the last couple of years. Top international organizations now are also keen to cash in on the lower expenses and the well trained workforce.

Legal procedures involved in starting a software company

To start with, a start-up software company should focus on the pre-registration process for registering companies in India. They should also procure the following from relevant government offices:

Direct Identification Numbers

Reservation of company name

Electronic signatures

While applying for incorporation a software company needs to first identify its directors. The number of directors should not be lesser than 2 and more than 8. In case the directors do not possess Directors Identification Numbers (DIN) they should apply for the same at the official website of the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs. 

Any one of the following documents can be submitted as an identity proof while applying for a DIN:

PAN Card


Driving License

Voters ID Card

The applicants can also furnish any one of the below mentioned documents as residence proof while making this application:

Driving license

Ration card


Electricity bill

Voter ID card

Bank statement

Telephone bill

These processes are normally completed in lieu of fees. After the process of getting a DIN is complete the company has to make an application for securing a name for the company. There are 5-6 possible names from which a company can choose. The additional names come in handy when the most preferred name is not available. 

The application for procuring a name has to be done online. The prospective owners need to visit the official website of the government and then download the Form 1A and fill it up. 

This is followed by the application for incorporation. While applying for this purpose the owners need to come up with a Memorandum of Association that will have the names of the company’s first directors and its operation. This application and the Form 1A should be submitted online at the official website of the concerned governmental department. Once the approval for incorporation comes the owners should print a minimum of 10-15 copies of the same and keep them as booklets. 

Otherwise, once the name registration is completed, the owners can authenticate every document from a bank and then take them to the Registrar of Companies. The Registrar will undertake the process of formal incorporation of the concerned company. The owners should also procure a tax account number from the regional Income Tax Department. Registration can also be done through chartered accountants. 

After the company has been formally incorporated, the owners should open a current account at a well known bank for carrying out their operations. In order to open the bank account, the owners will have to furnish copies of their Memorandum of Association and Certificate of Incorporation. 

Steps involved in opening a new software company

Creating a business plans

The entrepreneurs need to come up with two versions of a business plan – a detailed one and a customized one. The detailed plan will be used by the owners and the shorter version will be used to generate capital. The business plan needs to be flexible as most of the times things do not go according to it.

Determining the type of business

The owners of a software company need to consider several factors before they start operations:

Type of products and services on offer

Profitability and feasibility

Target market

Ideally the software entrepreneurs need to consider the following options before they make a choice:

They should target a niche market as the competition in the established and saturated ones is pretty fierce

They are required to focus on using new channels for distribution that provide solutions in a more effective manner

They are supposed to provide new, better and economical solutions – otherwise customers may not be interested in buying the products


The owners need to come up with a beta version of their product. Once a full fledged product is developed it should be protected through copyrights, patents, and trademarks. 

They should also use the web space to promote their product. They can start by creating a website and then providing an online demo of their software. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter should also be used for purposes of promotion, providing information on new offers, and gaining feedback. 


Avenues such as angel investors, venture capital funds and events like proto.in can be explored for securing the start-up capital. 

Obtaining a STPI licenses

The STPI licenses are meant exclusively for new software companies operating in India and provide them with several benefits like zero taxes for 5 years and no export or import duty for hardware and software products. These license holders can also avail office spaces at lower than usual rates. 

Suitable office spaces

When opening a software company, the owners should look for suitable office spaces. Ideally, a location that has the most appropriate infrastructural facilities such as consistent internet connection and internet availability should be chosen. 

To start with, the entrepreneurs can also look at making the minimum possible investment in securing the office premises. The office space can be rented or leased and second hand computers and furniture can be used to start the operations. They can also avail open source software that will help in minimizing the costs. 

Importance of start-up teams and advisory boards

The owners need to find like minded people who are willing to participate in their business. They should share similar levels of enthusiasm, in addition to skill and knowledge. These collaborations are also helpful in providing distribution and marketing channels for the products and offering integrated solutions for users. 

Ideally the advisory team should comprise technology enthusiasts, marketing professionals and design experts along with experienced industry professionals who can provide valuable advice. 

Recruitment process

Once the company is up and running, the owners should focus on the recruitment process. India has an abundance of well trained professionals especially in the domain of software technology. 

However, the companies need to guard against over enthusiasm and choose their employees with care as in the end their success is going to help the organization achieve its objectives. The owners should also remember that the best person for a job should be recruited even if that means paying that individual more than themselves.